
Age 16+
Age 16+
Age 9+
Attend a 2-hour class at a community venue (e.g. school or church)
Attend a 2-hour class via Zoom on a computer, tablet or smart phone.
Internet required!
Log on to your ALTA Online account on the web. Computer and internet are required!
2 or more tutors
8 students / tutor
1-2 tutors
8 students / tutor
Breakout rooms for individual attention
Independent learning with user support
Sept – July
Sept – July
Start at any time and progress at your own pace
$20 for ALTA workbook / term
$20 for ALTA workbook / term
$600 for each e-book on personal devices
Mon & Wed / Tue & Thu
Mornings or evenings
Mon & Wed / Tue & Thu
Mornings or evenings
Any day
Any time

Call 708 – 1990
May – June

Call 624-2582 or email info@alta-tt.org or at your local ICT Centre
Youth Lit
The Youth Lit programme is an after-school programme
that takes place in NALIS libraries throughout the country
for children aged 9 to 15 years who need remedial help with reading and writing and whose needs are not being addressed in the schools. It started in 2008 and has run successfully with the help of ALTA trained tutors and sponsors.

Ages 9-15
3 sessions per week
1 hr 45 mins each
October to May
10 students to 1 tutor
Register at one of the listed NALIS libraries on the last Monday and Tuesday
in September
Chaguanas, Maloney,
Mayaro, Point Fortin,
Port of Spain, St. Helena
St. James
Sangre Grande

I look for opportunities for each child to shine. My goal as a Youth Lit tutor is to see not only an improvement in my students’ reading and writing but also for them to graduate from the programme feeling that education is for them.
Judith Affoo,
Youth Lit Coordinator

The moment they realise they can express with confidence their discovery of sounds from letters, there is a reflection of pride and hope in those young eyes. And in that moment, my heart absolutely melts.
Without words, their eyes smile, saying, ‘Miss, I can finally read.’
Kim Belmonte,
Youth Lit Tutor

Kiss– Youth Lit sponsor since 2017

NALIS – Youth Lit partner since 2008