Mission & Board

Bringing about positive social change in the Caribbean through improved literacy.
Developing effective literacy instruction for Caribbean people built around life skills
Delivering this online and in free community
adult literacy classes taught by trained volunteers
Fostering a culture of respect and cooperative learning within ALTA
Establishing partnerships to sustain ALTA’s work
The ALTA Board and Staff

Paula Lucie-Smith
Founder & CEO
Paula Lucie Smith, a national scholar and graduate of Warwick and Leicester universities (UK), founded ALTA in 1992 in response to the huge literacy deficit she saw as a secondary school teacher. She has authored more than 60 literacy books and continues to develop and manage the ALTA Programme. Her dedication and ALTA’s high standard have won her several awards, as well as an Honorary Doctorate from UWI, St. Augustine.

Nigel Baptiste
Nigel Baptiste graduated from The University of the West Indies with First Class Honours. He is Executive Director of Republic Bank and brings to ALTA a wealth of knowledge and experience of both the corporate sector and the donor environment. Nigel’s involvement with ALTA stemmed from a genuine interest in promoting literacy. He has served on ALTA’s Board since 2014 and has given unwavering support over the years.

Neena Lutchmeesingh
Neena Lutchmeesingh is a retired Chartered Accountant with over 30 years of experience in accounting and business operations. She has worked in the manufacturing, distribution, retail and consulting sectors. Since 2019, she has been the Accountant at ALTA on a volunteer basis. During this time, she has been responsible for the accounting processes and cashflows of ALTA. She is committed to serving and fostering its growth.

Marise Warner
Legal Adviser
Marise Warner (LLB London School of Economics & Political Science, BSc Psychology UWI) is an attorney-at-law who has devoted more than 25 years to ALTA as a volunteer tutor, tutor trainer and developer of materials for Level 3 and Spelling Programme. She assists with the provision of governance and stewardship to ALTA. She is responsible for the collaborative management of ALTA, the formulation of its policy, and drafting and negotiating contracts.

Chela Bhimull
Chela Bhimull is the holder of a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from the University of the West Indies and an MBA in International Marketing from the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business. She has over 21 years of extensive HR experience working in the oil and gas industry. Chela is a business owner and has served on a number of boards. She is a volunteer adult literacy tutor and a class coordinator who is committed to improving adult literacy.

Arlene Wallace-Romero
Arlene Wallace-Romero is the current Manager of Business Systems at the Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation (PLIPDECO). Since 1999, she has been a volunteer tutor, class coordinator and trainer with ALTA. She has also served as Workplace Administrator, establishing links for the implementation of workplace literacy programmes, while also providing management for these and other projects.

Cassandra Ramkerrysingh
Cassandra Ramkerrysingh is a transformation specialist with over 30 years of experience in education and social development, governance and financial management. She has led complex institutional strengthening projects in both private and public sector organisations towards achieving performance improvement, growth and development. Several of these targeted socio-economic and educational reform.

Anil Persad
Anil Persad holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology and has over 25 years of experience in the field. He is presently an Associate Partner with Ernst & Young and has been with the firm for 19 years. Anil has served the education sector in multiple capacities including lecturing, technology education and general curriculum delivery. He is committed to using his expertise to promote adult literacy through ALTA.